Thursday, February 28, 2008

Spiral - Chapter Five

Title: Spiral
Chapter: Chapter 5 : Halloween pt. 1
Rating: PG
Author: Melody Brooke
Warnings: Manga Names used.. some changes.. see chart in the Author's Notes
(previous part)
~* *~
October was a quiet month. I walked to the exit where Andy and the
other managers came out every day after school, and Rei always stole him
away, which I didn't mind too much.

Everything was going well, until Homecoming came along.

I swear, I will never drink that punch again. *Somebody* had to put
something in it that made me get drunk. Thank Spirit, I wasn't the only
person that made me that way. Rei decided that she was going to take
advantage of how I was and partnered me up with Andy for nearly every slow
song. Heck, she tried to get me to swing dance with him. Thing is, I can't,
so I got to watch them dance, with me trying to sort my thoughts out. My
mind kept going back and forth between 'Tell Andy you like him,' and
'You'll get hurt if you do.' Needless to say, I heeded the last thought and
didn't tell him a thing.

I got caught up in a dance with this guy named Melvin. Let me tell
you, he's way taller than I am, which made it really strange for me. Heck,
he was taller than I was without my high-heeled shoes on, which made me
"shortie" to him.

At the end of the dance, the punch had worn off, and I was talking
to my friends. I can't recall what Andy told me, but all I remember is
that he was going up against what I was that night, and that he might not
be coming back. Thinking back, I realize how nervous I was.

The night ended, and I went home.

The following Monday, I asked Amy, who rode his bus, if she had
seen him. She told me she had, and asked why. I explained that I had
feelings for him.

The worst thing happened after that. She told me to tell Rei that I
liked him.

I mulled over it from then until band practice, when I finally came
out with it, as blunt as I could be. She smiled and told me that she knew
the whole time, and that she knew that Andy liked me too. Of coarse, I
didn't believe her, and she said she'd prove it, but she was going to break
up with him first.

Shocked, I told her to do it as gently as possible. By then we had
gotten to the doors where the managers come in to get to practice. He
didn't show up.

So I waited. He didn't show up on Tuesday, either. He wasn't
outside where we normally meet on Wednesday. I was staring to get worried.
He didn't come to practice on Thursday.

We didn't see him for another week. It was almost as if he had

But on the following Friday, we had an away game. I remember
sitting with Lita, and we were talking about the situation. Meaning, how
was I going to tell him? We had it nearly all figured out, when he came
walking out of the woods toward the bus.
~* *~

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